Our Story


Kate is the founder and artist of, Mind Over Matter M.O.M. She is a stay-at-home mom and part-time photographer with a love for creating sentimental keepsakes whether it be printed or worn. She can typically be found photographing fat babies in buckets or surreal, whimsical story portraits. Photography has always been her first love. She's a strong believer in keeping your cherished memories close, not boxed in the attic.  Her love for unique, one-of-a-kind items led her to jewelry making. Kate's adventure began with becoming a mother and realizing how quickly each stage goes; wanting to preserve every possible moment. For Kate, breastfeeding was a huge milestone with each of her children, and a journey she wanted to somehow turn into a lasting, tangible keepsake. She enjoys that each piece is just as unique as the story and memory it started from. Kate has been testing different methods of preserving breastmilk in jewelry for over 10 years. She has researched for several years to ensure her pieces have as few chemicals, don’t contain fillers or tints, and are as eco-friendly as possible. Her pieces and methods are based on making the least amount of waste possible as well as including up-cycling in her creations.

Kate's second line of jewelry is inspired by nature. Kate and her husband, Christopher started keeping bees in the Summer of 2013 and it has quickly become a family hobby. Cleverly coining herself formerly as Milk and Honey, the Milk (breastfeeding) and Honey (beekeeper). Though rebranding for a more unique look, they still have the love of nature, bees, and making timeless jewelry. Kate has incorporated bees, comb, flowers, and other natural findings into her pieces. Each insect, flower, etc added to Mind Over Matter creations are personally picked, dried, and inspected by Kate before being added to each collection.

In recent years, Kate has started to branch out into sculptures and other arts. Dealing with bones and other oddities, her work stands out and captivates each viewer.

Canvases and prints are generally taken around her Midwestern town and her favorite places, like the bees, flowers, and other wonders within her own backyard. Other images may be part of series shoots she has shot and is willing to release from time to time. Check back often to see what new creations she has to offer.

Do you have a custom design, combo, or idea in mind? Please message Kate to lay out the details of the perfect custom piece for you! Take a look around and see what extraordinary finds you can add to your "one-of-a-kind" collection. Just add imagination!