Currently ONLY shipping in the Contiguous
 United States
I am located in South Bend, IN 46614
(The address is provided once your payment clears.)

**Please read this section in full to ensure you know ALL details before placing your order!**

How To Send Elements

  • Shipping elements or dropping them off, please print and fill out the printable order form. YOU MUST FILL THIS OUT AND SIGN FOR ME TO GET STARTED ON YOU ORDER!
    Please be sure to boldly and clearly fill in your choices, and notes. Please have your address and name clearly written on ALL your items.
    Be sure to list ALL options or default options will be used in processing EVEN IF we discuss something else. IT MUST BE ON YOU ORDER FORM. Be SURE to write your name on the container you are sending your element in CLEARLY and with a permanent marker.

    Shipping your elements to me is pretty easy. You can place items in a milk storage baggie/ziplock, pill bottle, or other sealed containers depending on the type of element. Blood requires authorized containers OR you can purchase a recommended shipping container. Doubling or tripling up baggies, etc for extra precaution is a great idea. Please refrain from using a lot of tape as it’s hard for me to open with gloves on. I also recommend sending in a well-packed small box with plenty of packing to ensure your elements, do not get crushed/broken/spilled/jumbled around in transit. A flat-rate box with some packing paper works great.

  • ALL Elements MUST be shipped to me within 6 weeks of purchase or your order may be charged a $25.00 restocking fee.

    Custom Elements

  • Milk can be fresh or old and should be sent defrosted. Please do not send frozen milk as it tends to sweat damaging any paperwork and may seep through your package causing it not to be delivered. Please note, that you will NOT get the container back. Milk storage bags work great, but double or triple-bag items. I also ask that you heat your milk (Not boil) for 5 minutes using a double boiler method before packing to help with mold and bacteria growth. - It also helps with fat content. Old or fresh milk will work just fine. Smell, color, etc don’t matter, though color may affect the outcome of the final color of the jewelry. If you want to ensure your jewelry is a richer milky white I find hindmilk is generally best.

  • Blood should be neatly collected in a shallow airtight container that is easy to access. I have found the tiny dropper bottles without the dropper attached inside work great as do plastic vials or medicine syringes with a hot glue or other style plug. Collection can be done yourself with a sterile needle or lancet OR you can find out if any of your local facilities will do a blood draw for you while allowing you to take it home. Some places will draw an extra vial for you while you’re already there. Typically, they won’t honor a draw just for collection. Depending on the piece, I will need anywhere from a few drops to a tablespoon or more.

  • Hair should be sent in neat bunches rather than strands as strands will be less likely to be seen through most of the jewelry. If you are preserving a curl please set it with light hair spray before sending it to ensure it doesn't lose its curl in transit and ship it in a pill bottle or other container to preserve shape. You can also spin it around a piece of something to help retain shape **Please note with hair depending on the style of jewelry you are having made it may not be possible to preserve the curl or be extremely visible. It is also possible the hair will appear a slight bit darker or become almost invisible due to the resin, but generally, we come up with a plan around that, like, a darker or lighter contrasting backing.

  • Placenta or umbilical cord stumps can be sent via pill bottle or ziplock, double bagged is a good idea. Do NOT send raw placenta or cords UNLESS you are given instructions on how to properly prepare them for shipping and preservation. I reserve the right to discard any raw, hazardous materials without warning if they are sent without authorization and preparation.

  • Ashes I recommend you send in a pill bottle with a ziplock and reserve tracking information for your peace of mind. **Please note that ashes will sometimes become a slight bit darker or lighter when processed with the resin. Also, bigger pieces tend to sink or create lumps. I highly recommend sending finer dust versus bigger pieces if you want a more uniform look. Please do not send me the last of your ash. I will send ANY unused ash back home with your piece.

  • Sending other elements like flowers, sand, buttons, fabric, bugs, etc. Please follow the above rules. Double or triple-bagging things for extra precaution is a good idea. If it’s something that will be damaged if crushed be sure to package it properly to ensure it arrives safely. If it’s an important element I highly recommend adding tracking info to your shipment. Also, keep in mind you will need to send dried or pressed flowers as fresh flowers do not preserve correctly in our processing. **Please note that things like flowers or other big elements may need to be crushed up to fit certain jewelry styles. Please be aware of what you are purchasing, if you have questions, ask.

  • Upon sending me (Katherine of Mind Over Matter) your elements, you are putting your trust in my processing and style. You have chosen me to preserve your story and I take pride in every piece I produce. A little of my style goes into each piece. Keepsake items are not mass-produced, so no two pieces will ever be 100% alike. Also, because these pieces are handmade there may be proof of that in some pieces. Love your unique journey. Do NOT send raw placenta or cords UNLESS you are given instructions on how to properly prepare them for shipping and preservation. I reserve the right to discard any raw, hazardous materials without warning if they are sent without authorization and preparation.

    Turn Around Time

  • The amount of time it takes depends first of all how long it takes for your Elements to arrive. After that, it will depend on how many previous orders I have taking up molds and what settings I have to special order/create. The time of year will also play a part in the production process as times like Christmas and Mother’s Day are more popular times to order. Please keep in mind that some items take longer than others to process and will therefore take more steps. Typically, it could take anywhere from 4 to 8 weeks for production time. I know you are excited about your jewelry, which is why I will work my best to make your wait time as minimal as possible. Please refrain from emailing me often to check on the status of your piece as more emails to return means less time for setting jewelry. I too am excited for you to receive your item(s), so I will absolutely get them created and shipped out as soon as I can. Maybe I will preserve your milk live on our page!!

Other Notes

  • When clients are sending milk, placenta, blood, or otherwise I trust that they are not putting me and my family in harm’s way by knowingly sending me DNA elements that contain illness or disease. As my client, you are stating that you are not sending me contaminated, hazardous materials.

  • Do NOT send me raw placenta or umbilical cord stumps without authorization.

  • DO NOT send frozen milk as it sweats and creates a mess inside your package or my dropbox, maybe even resulting in it not being delivered.

  • Do NOT send me the last of your precious materials no matter how badly you want a piece of jewelry. Things happen and I do not want the responsibility of having the very last of your sacred items in transit or my care. I handle every item with personal care, but the very last of something cannot be replaced. I have no control over the post or things like "God's will." Be prepared that all of what you send could very well be used up on your piece(s) without any to return. Ash is the only element I always return home.

Where to Ship Elements

I have a drop box location for local people, but do NOT do any personal meet-ups nor do I have a brick-and-mortar store for you to visit. (Images of the drop box above)

Mind Over Matter

South Bend, Indiana 46614
The address to send Elements will be given upon purchase clearing.